I feel very fortunate to be one of the folks who received a professional grant this cycle from Creative Pinellas. One of the requirements is that we participate in an Open Studio. While I do have a studio, it's not that impressive. I live in a 55+ community with limited parking and have a 80 pound pit bull mix studio assistant that takes up most of the floor space.
I'm primarily a plein air artist, which means I paint outdoors, and teach outdoors. Really, Pinellas County is my studio (as well as yours and anyone else who paints en plein air). So why don't you join me, and 25 other plein air painters, and see what plein air painting is like?
Bring something to paint on like canvas, paper, or board and a folding chair or easel, along with your favorite media. Many newbies start off painting in their laps without an easel and add equipment over time. You really don't need much. Just bring what you have and give it a try.

We meet every Weds. morning at 9am at the location below. We start with a demo that's relevant to the site and all mediums (like capturing 5 values, or illusion of perspective). Then you paint independently with one-on-one help from 9:30-11:30. We meet for group critique at 11:45 and end afterwards.
Each class is in a unique place that has a special history and character. You get to visit places you may not have seen before, and learn about their importance to the ecosystem and humans. Not everyone makes a great painting, especially first time out, but you do have an unforgettable experience.
Feel free to come to any one of these courtesy of Creative Pinellas and try out a class for free. No need to preregister but if you have questions or need better directions call me at (845) 728-4001.
May 10, 9am meet at St. Pete’s Pier 800 2nd Ave NE, St. Park in the history museum, meet under the sculpture, restrooms available.
May 17, 9am meet at Maximo Park Pinellas Point Dr S &, Sunshine Skyway Ln S, St. Petersburg, FL. Meet at Shelter #1 near the disc golf course. Free parking and restrooms available.
May 24, 9am meet at Skyway Bridge Windsurfing Launch St. Petersburg, Meet by the water and paint a terrific view of Skyway. Free parking, no bathrooms, very rustic.
May 31, 9am St. Pete’s Pier, Meet behind Doc Ford’s at the picnic table by the water.
NOCTURNE meet Weds. May 31, 7pm at St. Pete’s Pier, Meet behind Doc Ford’s at the picnic table by the water.
Also, we are having a group show of works created this season (and yes, you are eligible if you join us for one of these classes) at DRV Gallery in Gulfport:
Plein Air Adventure Group Show June 1-June 30 Reception June 1, 6-8pm
DRV Gallery 5401 Gulfport Blvd S, Gulfport, FL 33707
Gallery Hours:11am-4pm Thurs,Fri,Sat.