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Plein Air Adventure
Dec. 2023-
May 2024 

Have an adventure, discover beautiful and historic places in Pinellas county and learn the basics of plein air painting from a professional. Start with a viewfinder to choose the best composition and learn to make a value sketch, color study, mix warm and cool greens, reflections in water and cloudscapes. Classes are structured and involve an extended demo, handouts, individual help, and group critiques. Class begins at 1pm on site, Expanded demo from 1:15-1:45 (recorded and link provided after class), paint 2-4 pm with one-to-one help, critique at 4pm until finished. Single class is $38 through Beach Art Center or sign up for all 6 for $150 for Season’s Pass. 

New for 2023-4

  • 6 classes (1 per month) with weekly meet-ups just to paint on the same sites. 

  • Get a great plein air tool with your season's pass and goodies throughout the season!

  • NEW DAY: Meeting Sundays (no traffic!)

  • NEW HOURS 1-4pm 

  • group camaraderie, facebook pages and opportunities!

Inclement weather policy: If raining, windy or below 55 degrees, class is cancelled for the week. 

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